Alice Ledesmas Story

This site is to introduce Alice, a 57 year old women recently diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. For the past ten years Alice has been feeling ill but the doctors were unable to diagnose her with a specific ailment. Just recently they found that she had cancer and her life was forever changed when they diagnosed her with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma which had already advanced to Stage 4.

Years prior to this her husband Tom had been in a serious accident and has had to have multiple surgeries to repair all the damage. As a result of this accident Tom is on a medical disability with a limited income. Despite all of this, Alice and Tom feel that everything happens for a reason and it's up to God to decide what comes next. There faith in God is stronger than ever and they hope that some good comes out of all of this.

A person suffering from cancer not only needs the encouragement and support of friends and loved ones but help with all the unexpected financial expenses associated with ongoing treatment. In addition to Alice and Tom’s normal everyday living expenses, Alice now has the following monthly medical expenses she needs help with:
• $200.00 a month co-pay for prescription drugs
• $40.00 for each office visit to her primary care doctor
• $40.00 for each additional specialist she sees every month
• $200.00 for gas money for doctor appointments, blood work, chemo, picking up prescriptions, x-rays,  lumbar punctures, etc.
• $50.00 per month for television, phone, and parking while at the hospital
Please click on the “Donate” tab to help us raise money for Alice.

Thank you for your help and support!

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Fundraiser 2010

Fundraiser 2010